Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Point 2 is important. It is!

Well, I first weighed myself a week ago today and I'm down 5.2 pounds. And hell yes I'm counting the point 2. I CELEBRATE the point 2! *woot*

This is good - almost better than I had hoped for. I know my metabolism is seriously screwed up and I'm almost 40, so I figured my days of losing 5 pounds in one week were long gone. Maybe not. I won't expect it every week but there it is this week and I'm a pretty happy camper.

I sort of went on a tensy little bender over the weekend. I was famished all the time and pretty stressed out. I had some chocolate a couple times and peanut butter sandwich on *gasp* "real" bread. So yeah. Still not as bad as Erich and me sucking down 2 extra large pizzas over the course of two days. Yep, we've done that. Ordering those pizzas on Friday night and having polishing them off by Sunday morning wasn't unusual at all. No more.

Let me tell you a little about my husband. He is wonderful. I gush about him a lot but he deserves it. He ticked me off BADLY on Saturday but soon redeemed himself, as usual. I think I put him on too high a pedestal and when he inevitably reminds me of his mortal, just-a-man status, it shatters me. Mostly my fault, not his.

Anyway, he is cutting back, too. He kinda has to! LOL! But he needs to, before he gets some random ailment from the few extra pounds he's carrying (again, mostly my fault, not his). His strong, quiet support means the world to me. He bought me a special scale that would hold all my pounds and didn't bat an eyelash when the actual number appeared on the dial. He has called me before to ask if I've eaten fruit today (I need a banana every day for my high blood pressure) and has gone out and bought me some when we've ran out. He spent a whole day interviewing companies before we got my CPAP machine (my breathing machine for sleep apnea) and knows far more about the different models and the disease than I do. He sat through a six-hour seminar on nutrition and gastric bypass surgery with me.

He buys me books on writing and clipped out the ad when our local newspaper was looking for a new columnist. He drives around my car that has the Bo Bice bumper magnet on it; he drives said car all hundreds of miles and goes to concerts with me. All this plus he fixes stuff and he's damn cute!

In short, he loves me. That means a lot, even when he pisses me off on Valentine's Day. Without him, I don't know if I could face this surgery.

The CPAP machine and I aren't friends yet. I hate that blasted thing. ARGH! I really hate it. I tend to wake up in the middle of the night and yank it off. But I lost 5.2 pounds this week, so I feel like being good to myself. I promise to wear the damn thing tonight. Or at least try harder.

FIVE POINT TWO, PEOPLE. Onward and upward.


  1. Congrats on those 5.2 pounds Cindy! I am so proud of you. Keep up the hard work.... not only are you helping yourself, you are inspiring to others. ((HUGS))!
    Lisa :)

  2. Good for you, Cindy! And yes, the support of a great man can make all the difference.

    One little thing: Shouldn't it be "Onward and DOWNward?" LOL! Love ya! Keep up the good work!

  3. Aw, thank you Lisa! Hugs right back at ya.

    Laura - you are correct! DOWNward! LOL!

  4. What an awesome start! Seeing the weight come off can be a HUGE motivator. And as for Erich, yeah, he's a pretty special guy, definitely a keeper Cin. Having your man support you in what you are trying to do is the most important thing that will attribute to your success or failure. So many family members can try and sabotage your efforts, but when your other half is right there rooting you on, and helping you achieve your goals... there's nothing better. Give that guy a hug for me, will ya?! Or better yet, come on down for a weekend, I'll hug him myself! LOL

  5. 5.2 lbs??? That's wonderful Cindy! And even though you had a little "slip", I'm happy to see that you're not going to let that discourage you, and that you're back on track. And ditto to what Paris said... come on down and we can both give your special man a big hug. ;)

  6. 5.2! Not 5.1, but 5.2. Awesome, Cin!

  7. YES!!!!!! AWESOME!!!
    I'm so proud of you Cindy! *Doing the happy dance*
    Keep up the great work and give your hubby an extra hug from me. :)

  8. Cindy, im so happy for you, 5.2lbs is wonderful, im doing the happy dance for you as well.
    and you are soooooooo lucky to have someone like Erich, hugs and kisses to him. but on the other hand i think he is pretty damn lucky to have as well. Great women like us are hard to find too.LOL
    you keep up the great work, looks like your are off to a great start.
    Much love to the both of you.

  9. I'd be counting that .2 as well, not to mention the 5#. One time back when I actually "went to" Weight Watchers meetings, when we'd moan about a 1/4 # loss, the instructor would say, that's a stick of butter, and a stick of butter wouldn't look good on you anywhere! :)

  10. You're exactly right Cindy, 5.2 pounds is a bag of sugar AND a stick of butter!
