Sunday, October 25, 2009

A hairy situation

Losing your hair sucks.

Mine is starting to fall out - this is a normal side effect from gastric bypass surgery and not totally unexpected. It's also supposed to be a temporary thing. I have been taking biotin since day one in an effort to postpone it as much as possible, but I can't deny the handfuls of hair in my brush every day. I'm used to losing some hair when I brush it out but in the past week or so, the amount has increased very noticeably.

I have a thing about my hair. I've always said it's pretty much the only thing I have going for me physically (in my opinion, anyway). At least, I said that when I was younger! I used to have to go to the hairdresser and get it thinned out because it was so thick and wavy. I didn't quite know what to do with it for a long time, I'd try to make it straight and wore it quite short. But in my 20s, I learned to just kinda let it do what it wants to. The less I tinker with it, the better it seems to look. I do like a ponytail (a lot), but when I want to, I was always able to have a mass of wavy blonde curls floating down my back with minimal effort. It began to thin out in my 30s, though. And now I'm using volumizing shampoo and taking biotin in an effort to keep it looking normal. Kinda sucks.

Of course, malabsorption of nutrients is what causes this. All my bloodwork is normal, but my body has to go through a period of readjustment to the new amount of food I'm giving it. The most prominent advice for hair loss is to get more protein - somehow. We can't eat enough to get as much as we need so we have to rely on supplements. I admit I don't always get my protein shake in every day, but you bet your ass I will now!

I've blogged before about the quest for balance between good sense and vanity. But hair? I'm pretty upset about this latest turn of events, lemme tell you. I do hope it's temporary. Maybe I'll get it cut in some new, shorter style. I dunno. The weird part about all this is that while I'm losing weight and everyone keeps telling me how great I look, I look at myself and think I already look worse in some ways than I did before. The sagging skin just looks horrible. And I'm kinda scared to think about what I'll look like when I'm done. But I'm really trying to remember why I'm doing this and that my health is the most important thing, not the way I look.

Oh, and I only lost two lbs. again last week so I'm now at 306, 138 total lost. I was thinking I'd be close to my goal by my birthday in Feb., but at this rate there's no way that's going to happen.


  1. Hey, Cindy, I have been losing my hair, too, since I've been on Weight is very scary...I know how you feel. Biotin? Well, I guess I should try that, huh? I have always had very thick hair and now it comes out by the roots in the shower, when I brush it, etc. So it's weight loss and protein, huh? Well, here's to your hair staying beautiful and thick...and I'll try eating more protein and taking biotin. Thank you!

  2. I ONLY lost 2 pounds again" Let's refrayze that...

    I lost 2 more pounds!!!! (and the crowd goes wild!!!)

  3. Hey, Cindy! Don't sweat it! The good news is... you are healthier. I wonder if maybe you can ask your Dr. if pre-natal vitamins might be OK for you to take? I know a lot of women who take them all of a sudden experience their hair and nails growing like crazy. I know GNC also makes a Women's multivitamin with special ingredients for Hair, skin and nails. You can order from GNC online. I am not sure if your Dr. would think these would OK for you, though.
    Also... I 2 pounds is GREAT! I know it's a slow down from what you have been seeing, but I really think it is because you are starting to build more muscle, which is the heaviest tissue in the body. This is a good thing. It means your metabolism is revved and you are building muscle tone. So... the numbers on the scale might not be going down as fast right now, but once you have a significant amount of muscle built... watch out! Those numbers will drop and drop fast. For me... it happed about 2 months into the first time I started working out. Granted, I have never been on the journey you have been on, but I do know most people have a similar experience. Hang in there. Working out is always better than NOT working out. :)

    Hugs to you!

  4. bocrazy - Yes, a lot of gastric bypass patients take biotin. And protein is vital. *hugs*

    Anon - You're right, you're right! I got spoiled pre-op when I was losing 4-7 lbs. a week. I expected to lose MORE post-op, not less. So I get my back up about that sometimes. But I should definitely celebrate every lb.

    GenCi - I've thought about that, too. That maybe I'm gaining muscle. I am strength training 3x a week, so I guess it's not out of the question. I never thought about prenatal vitamins. I'm going to email my surgeon and ask about that. Thanks for always being so supportive - love you!

  5. You could lose every hair on your head and have wrinkles and saggy skin and you'd still be beautiful to me! I'm so proud of you. 2 lbs in one week? I'd be jumping for joy!

  6. Why are my replies getting lost?

  7. Well possibly because I'm an idiot.

  8. Love you, too! :)

  9. Aw, Deb - thank you! And you're right, I need to celebrate every lb.

    Susan, you crack me up! LMAO! You're not an idiot, I'm pretty sure about that. :)

  10. Looking at the photos you've posted here and on Facebook, you look wonderful! Such an improvement! Don't let yourself dwell on wrinkles (welcome to reality!) when so much has improved for you.

    We can always find the one bad thing if we look hard enough. So stop looking!

    Honestly ... you look great.

  11. Lulu, if it was just wrinkles I wouldn't be so upset. I'm seriously going to need about $100,000 in plastic surgery all over my bod to look somewhat normal. It kinda sucks knowing I'm losing all this weight but I still can't wear sleeveless tops or shorts or bathing suits, etc., etc. I looked better in that stuff before than I do now. I am really trying to focus on my health, though. TRYING. ;-)
