Monday, November 30, 2009


Some things on my mind this morning include:

- I notice as I'm Christmas shopping that for the first time, it's very hard not to shop for myself! I can wear clothes in just about any store at this point so inevitably I find myself wandering over to the plus size dept. and finding some cute top or something. This has never been a problem in the past and it's becoming a problem. LOL!

- Why is that when you call a corporate customer service line, the person you speak to never speaks proper English? I can barely understand most of them. They should have a choice like 'press 5 for someone who speaks English'. This is annoying to me. I don't think I'm alone.

- As I've told you guys, I got my ears pierced last month. Well, as expected, they aren't healing properly. The right one especially. What the hell is that all about? Every other female on earth has pierced ears but I guess some 'god of piercing' has decided that I can't. It's frustrating. And it's gotten so bad that I was watching a commercial this morning featuring one of those starving children in Africa and the child had gold hoops in her ears....I'm thinking 'Come on. In all that filth and her ears healed just fine? WTF?'

- I'm starting to get noticed by guys. This is odd. In the past, if someone hit on me it made me wonder what was wrong with them. But now I'm starting to think maybe some guy is smiling at me because maybe I'm looking ok? I dunno. It's a weird thing that I've only experienced for a few short months when I was 'normal' in my late teens. Just the other day I was out and some guy stood near me and didn't move till I looked at him then he smiled and said 'Hi'. Ummmm....hi. I got the fuck outta there. Scared the shit outta me. I'm glad I'm not single so I don't have to navigate this particular minefield. LOL!

- It takes me so long to get dressed in the morning. I pull things out of my closet that I could wear a couple of months ago and they have passed me by - hanging on me and looking like crap. This is a good thing but it's frustrating. All the neckholes in my shirts are too big. What's up with that? If I can find a shirt in the morning that doesn't gap at the top & show my bra then it's a good day. *eyeroll*

- My body is soooo different now. I have protruding shoulder blades, collar bones and hipbones. I am sometimes fascinated by my bones. LOL! I run my hand over my shoulder and am just like ''.

- I have this weird red splotch on my neck that looks like King Kong has given me a hickey. It itches and hurts and looks like I've let Erich play True Blood with me. Embarrassing! Don't know what the hell that's all about.

- I have to get on a plane in two weeks' time. I'm going to Nashville for Bo's fan club Christmas party and two shows. Thank god for air miles and good friends or my ass would be planted in Canada! But I'm concerned about the seat. I only bought one instead of my usual two and I'm still nervous about fitting into it. Erich insists that I'm insane but I can't help it. I'm also worried about the tray not going down in front of me. It never has before. I know...I'm 153 lbs. lighter. But my ass and stomach are still right there, pretty damn big. I may need a valium before I board.

- I think there should be a security guard at the gym to make sure people wipe the machines down after they use them. Ladies, this is disgusting. Your mama brought you up better than that, I know it. Ugh. I've seen people just moving from one machine to the next, no wiping it down. Now I wipe down before and after I use the equipment. Again, ugh.

I'm sure I'll think of more stuff later but I gotta get to work! My strange brain....


  1. I hear you on the shopping. Now that I'm out of Women's I don't know quite where to go. Before there was x-amount of stuff to choose from, now I can't figure out what dept to go to. Cindi, you deserve lots of treats, have a blast.

    Yes, please speak English that I can understand and don't have to ask you to repeat something ten times.

    I'm sorry, but the starving kids in Africa with pierced ears thing made me laugh. Maybe you can't tolerate whatever metal you have in there? Have you switched them from gold to silver or vice versa?

    Of course you're starting to get noticed by guys, look at your newest picture there!

    Bones are good!!

    As far as the plane, do you need to put your table down flat? They don't really feed you. You'll do just fine! Just get on the damn thing.

  2. Cindy, at this point, you're probably smaller than I am (I know, not saying much, but whatever LOL), so you'll be fine in the seat. As for the table going down, I'm with Susan. You don't REALLY need it. Play it as it comes. Just get your skinny ass to Nashville, OK? We'll be waiting for you :)

  3. Hi!

    If it makes you feel any better... I don't have pierced ears. I always had long har and figured no one would see the earings anyway... and, I think the reason why we can't get proper English-speaking on the phone is a lot of companies outsource call centers to other countries...

    Lots of interesting thoughts that I can relate, too, though... like... why didn't that kid get food instead of earings???

    Hugs to all... GenCi

  4. You're looking great Cindi.
    Re the ears....what did they advise you use? Try alcohol (NOT the drinking type, lol) or salt water. It's worth it in the long run. (Earrings are a cheap treat for yourself.)

  5. P.S. When do we get to see a pic of the new hair style?

  6. Can't wait to see the "new" U in Nash!!!
