Saturday, June 5, 2010

Awakening in the Woods, part two

So I left off with the hike. It feels odd that I am writing about hiking. Or running. Or whatever it is that I'm doing these days.

As I said in my last installment, I've heard about Ravine Creek Trail ever since I've known Erich. Not that it's such a fantastic trail or anything, but he has been on it so many times that it pops up in stories he's told me of past adventures in camping. So I was a bit excited that I would be able to hike it with him this time.

After our trip into town and the climb up the lighthouse, we went back to camp and had lunch then took off for the trail. Generous amounts of bug spray were applied and since the beach is at the end of the trek, we took a beach bag with blanket, sunscreen, water, etc. Erich carried that, thank god. LOL!

There are steps at the entrance leading down into the woods. I stopped and said "It's at this point where I would've said 'yeah so why are we doing this again? we're not driving to the beach why?'" We both had a laugh then I took off down the steps (click all pics to enlarge).

Ravine Creek is just a few steps from the entrance and there's a wooden bridge to cross. Erich was in front of me and trotted over to the bridge. I got down the steps, came to a dead stop, looked around and just...lost it. I don't know what came over me. I started to speak and all I got out was "It's been so long..." before I bent at the waist and started to sob. Erich came back to comfort me. I swear, something just *POW* hit me like a ton of bricks. One second I was laughing and excited, then I felt like I was going to fall over from some sort of emotion that just overwhelmed me.

"Wow, I don't know where that came from," I said. And I didn't. It shook me up for a while. The more I think about it I guess it was just that I was there. I looked up and around all those trees and the creek and it took me back to my childhood exploring the woods on my family's property. I suppose in my subconscious mind, I never thought I'd see anything like that again because I'd never be able to physically get to a location such as that. Maybe the realization hit me that I can now do anything I want. I am free to do anything, go anywhere.

I never realized what I was missing out on when I was a prisoner in my own body. Over time I just accepted my limitations and pushed them out of my head. It would never occur to me to move. I just didn't, because I couldn't. And I got so used to believing - knowing - I couldn't that I never tried. I wasn't living my life. Now I'm going to live out loud, baby. Full speed ahead.

I brought the camera with me that day but was so messed up that I only took a few pictures further up the trail. We went back the next day so I could snap a few pictures of the scenes that caused me so much emotion. Not pain, but really a kind of relief and joy. I didn't realize it then but that's what it was. I wasn't hurting, I was having an out-of-heart experience on a level that's hard to explain.

Pictures from the scene of the awakening:

I decided after this trip that perhaps I need to go buy some shorts that fit. LOL! And no, I didn't hike with flip-flops on, this was the next day.

It was a pretty long hike over some hilly, rocky terrain. Not horrible, but my knees were kinda tapping on my shoulder after a while saying "Um, are we there yet?" I wasn't hot, tired or out of breath, but the knees were starting to cringe by the time we got to the beach. And the bugs! Lorda mercy. They feasted on me, that's for sure. I did apply bug spray but much like sunscreen, maybe it doesn't work too well for me!

We decided to walk on the road back to camp and man...I think all in all I did more walking that day than I've ever done in my life. But I felt good at the end of the night and was ready for bear the next morning. Even if I didn't get much sleep because the twenty-something guys camped next to us kept me awake with such lively conversations as 'who's the oldest chick you'd do it with?' 'what's the weirdest sexual position you've ever done'? and more lewd topics which I won't go into. Suffice it to say they sounded like they were right outside the tent and if I'd had children with me, I would've been throwing raccoons at them. The coons. Ah yes. Brave little suckers that crept around camp all weekend. They got my protein bars, the little asses!! *grumble*

It was a wonderful weekend that I'll remember forever. We decided we're going to try and go back before it gets cold. I told Erich I wasn't so sure about that trail because of the knee factor and he said "Yeah, but at least you can say you did it." He's right. I did it!

I've lost four pounds since I last reported my weight. I'm at 226. Four more and I will have officially gone from 444 to 222, losing 50% of my total body weight. Makes me feel like I'm on The Biggest Loser or something! LOL! That'll be a cool milestone when I hit it.

A side note: This is my 100th blog since I began it in February of 2009. I owe each and every one of my readers a HUGE thank you. This blog keeps me straight, keeps me sane, and I appreciate all the feedback you give me! Here's to 100 more!


  1. HAPPY 100TH BLOG!!!! Thanks for taking us along on your journey. See you next week!!

  2. Cindy, you are an inspiration. What an accomplishment. You should be winning a million dollars or whatever the hell they get on those shows. Live out loud, baby!

  3. Happy 100th blog! I've enjoyed each and every one of them! Wish I were seeing you next weekend, but after almost 2 weeks of vacation, I'm kinda tapped out cash-wise. I'm sure we'll be able to get together soon.

  4. I don't post comments often, but I read each and every one of your posts. Congrats on your 100th, and congrats on your fabulous weight loss!

  5. Congrats on your 100th blog, Cindy! Thank you for sharing your Awakening story. What an appropriate title, and your joy just overflows through your words. I am truly happy for you. You should be in Nashville now - ENJOY!
