Saturday, April 4, 2009

Three dates on Tuesday

This Tuesday, I go to Detroit for my appointments with a psychologist, exercise specialist and the medical clearance doctor at Henry Ford. Not worried about medical clearance. Not TOO worried about the psychologist (though Erich tells me that's the one he's worried about...LOL) but the exercise specialist? Yeah, a little concerned.

Supposedly, she will determine how fit I am. It's called an "exercise assessment". Um, what? What does that mean? I keep picturing Jillian from The Biggest Loser shrieking "I don't care if it hurts!!! Give me 10 more!!! Push yourself!!! You're a baby!! You're a quitter!!" Dude, I'll have to hurt the chick. Seriously. My personality doesn't lend itself well to that stuff. This is why I never joined a sports team, the army, etc. I immediately push back against someone pushing me. Which is good and bad, I suppose.

Erich pointed out that they do this surgery on people in walkers and stuff. Which is true because even when I was there before, there were definitely people in walkers and on oxygen. So if they can pass this "assessment", then maybe I shouldn't be so concerned.

The shrink should be interesting. Listen: I have issues. I know we all do, but people in my situation have SERIOUS issues or we wouldn't be in this situation. At least that's how I see it. I recognize some of mine and am working on others. What I'm concerned about is what will this guy bring out in me that I don't realize or know about? I scared but also intrigued and excited. I cry easily and I worry that might be construed as a weakness...if I get too emotional he might tell me I need to work on things before I can be cleared for the surgery. Yikes.

I guess we'll have to see how it goes. I'm more concerned about these 3 appointments than I am about meeting my weight loss goal and seeing Dr. Genaw on the 24th! I haven't been sleeping well. I need to chill out.

I lost 4 pounds last week for a total of 34. Six more to lose by the 24th. Keep crossing your fingers! I love each and every one of you. :)


  1. well i guess people do change, i only remember you crying once the whole time, ive known you. lol(wedding). cindy, honey, you will win all of those people over in a matter of minutes. to know you is to love you, so dont worry. you will do fine.

  2. LOL Missy! I have changed but I did cry even back then when no one was looking. I've become more emotional as I've gotten older, and less inclined to hide it. I also think (and here's me psychoanalyzing myself) being with Erich has made me more vulnerable - with him, I don't always have to be the strong one. I don't have to parent him the way I did with Steve, if that makes any sense. I can lean on him and he makes it ok to cry.

  3. What I do is walk in with a big box of tissues and start the conversation with, "I'm likely to cry so I came prepared." Makes me laugh, which in turn loosens me up a bit.

    Honestly, I think you'll be fine. You have issues, but so does the psychologist, the receptionist, and everyone else you meet during the course of the day. You're a strong person (see French Fry Trash Tossage from the previous blog). I think they'll pass you through with flying colors.

  4. Good luck Cindy. I'll be thinking of you. You'll do great

  5. Good luck sweetie! You're one strong/determined woman, and I know you'll do just fine.

  6. You won't be the first person to cry, should that happen. I imagine they've seen all there is to see and you will do just fine with all three.

    I've been lax and haven't read the last few blogs, but just did this morning. What an inspiration you are, Ms. Cindy. You are well on your way to a healthier you, and I bet you feel fantastic with the weight you've already lost.

    I'm not sure how many people read your blogs, but there are so many over-weight people out there, including myself,that would benefit from your experiences.

    Good luck, kiddo! Love you.

  7. yeah i guess stevie did need parenting, and prolly still does. lol God love em'. i see from your reaction, you remembered the time i was referring to. Good Times.
