Monday, December 21, 2009

The 'normal trip' - part two

Yeah so I was lying there in bed crying and thinking about everything that had already happened to me on this trip. I did finally drift off to sleep but I slept fitfully and had a very, ah, interesting dream. I dreamed that I was all alone at The Rutledge, where the fan club Christmas party was to be held, and Bo walked up on the stage and sang 'Valley of Angels'. Now, this is bizarre because I don't really like that song. It's probably one of my least favorite Bo songs. So I have no idea why I'd dream that! My strange little brain.

I woke up with an awful headache, brought on by a lack of food (I'd had about three bites at dinner the night before), rainy weather (my sinuses were exploding) and lack of sleep. But the thing is I can't take meds on an empty stomach; and even after I eat, I have to wait 30 mins. to an hour to drink...only then can I take any meds. Food. Now.

We decided to forego the carb free-for-all at the 'breakfast buffet' in the hotel lobby in favor of a Waffle House practically next door. I was grateful because I really need a lot of protein in my diet and can't just have a stack of waffles or a bowl of cereal for breakfast anymore. The W.H. ham & cheese omelet plus bacon was just what the dr. ordered. I got to talking with an employee at the W.H. and told her why we were all in town. She not only knew who Bo Bice was but said he used to come in there all the time. She said they often get celebrities in there and they put them in the back so people won't disturb them. Awwwww, we ate at Bo's Waffle House! Hee. We all got our orders and took them back to the hotel because well, most people can't fit into a booth at a Waffle House. Bo, yes. But he's a petite little guy! I was starving and ate almost all my omelet, my bacon and a few bites of hash browns.

It was nice to take our time getting ready to go to the party. We arrived at The Rutledge around 1:30 for the 2 p.m. party. There were lots of hugs as everyone lined up outside the door in order of the number on their ticket. They didn't let us in till about 2:20 and I really didn't even feel the wait. There was a time when I came to the conclusion that I'd have to give up going to see Bo simply because I couldn't bear to stand in line or stand up at the shows. No more! We got glimpses of Bo, his very pregnant wife Caroline and Bart as they arrived at the club. Bo looked stunning and I have to tell you, I caught my breath and held it till he was out of sight them let out a WHOOP! Man alive!! It had been a while and though it didn't seem possible, he looked even better than I remembered.

When we finally got inside, we passed a table with items Bo had available for auction (all proceeds to go to charity), the merch table (which I never got around to looking at...damn) and a great little buffet he had catered in for us. We all had lunch and spent a long time visiting with each other, taking pictures and laughing, talking. At this point, these trips/shows are as much about being with each other than they are about seeing Bo. We adore him and treasure every note that comes out of his mouth or passes through his fingertips on the guitar, but we also adore each other. We are family. No other way to say it.

My ticket number was pretty high since I didn't make the decision to go till later on in the game. I ended up in the very back of the venue, up against the back wall. I got my pout on, lemme tell ya. I was really disappointed. Then Saint Bill came back there and said "You really don't think I'm gonna let you sit back here all by yourself, do you?" He somehow made room for me at his table with our good friends Paris and Nancy. I was thrilled to be able to enjoy the performance with them.

I didn't spend a whole lot of time in my seat before Bo came out. I was too busy flitting around from table to table and visiting with my friends! It didn't occur to me until later that I didn't NEED to sit down. This is all really awesome and life-changing. In the past, I've sometimes parked myself and waited for people to wander by. Not this time - I am proactive now. Passivity is SO last year. ;-)

I'd be lying if I didn't say it was nice to hear all the compliments people were giving me! It's gratifying to see people's faces when they first look at me. It totally cracks me up. When I look in the mirror, I don't see that I've changed that much but of course I have - I can see it in pictures. And I don't hear the "WOW!!" stuff a lot because people see me every day. The changes are more subtle. So it's cool to hear that from time to time. It motivates me to continue and reminds me that I've really accomplished something.

Bo Bice can sing. No, he can really sing. My god, the power and emotion in that voice of his just kills me. I've listened to him in many different formats over the past nearly 5 years (5! Years!) and I never get used to it. It's amazing. He could sing the ABCs and, if he wanted to, would have you lying in a pool of mush at the end.

Silent Night (video by Joan):

There was one part during 'Silent Night' when I just closed my eyes and let his voice envelop me and the whole room. Incredible stuff. It was so good to hear him, see him perform again. It nearly moved me to tears. I know, I know...the non-Bo fans think I'm insane. Yeah, well maybe I am. But I wouldn't change a thing! He also sang 'Happy Christmas/War Is Over' and that about did me in! I love John Lennon and that song is a favorite of mine.

After the performance, more visiting ensued as we all waited our turn at the meet & greet. I watched my friend Nancy talking with Bo and it so moved me. Nancy had a stroke earlier this year and we made it a Family Project to get her and the awesome Paris to Nashville for this party. It was so worth it. I'm so thankful that she is ok and watching her talking with Bo was very sweet and emotional. Bo cares about his fans in a way I've never heard of another artist doing. It's something to see.

Now, soooo many people had said to me 'Wait till Bo sees you!' I knew it would be anti-climatic because Bo doesn't have a clue who I am! LOL! He did get to the point where he knew my face, I believe. In fact, he even apologized to me once for not remembering my name. Bo seems to be one of those people who remembers faces but has trouble with names. But he sees a LOT of people. And I hadn't seen him since Aug. of 2008. There is no way he's going to remember me. And that's fine. I'm totally ok with that. He is getting better with some names, though - those who frequent his shows a whole lot and others who have been brought to his attention in some special way. Which is awesome! He gave a shout out to some during the performance and I know it meant the world to them.

So when it was my turn, I walked up to him and pulled out a little gift I'd got for him and his wife. An ornament with his second son's name, Caleb, on it. He oohed and ahhed over it appropriately and gave me a little hug of thanks. I had something all planned out that I wanted to say to him but of course goober'ed out and said something completely stupid instead. He turned me for a picture, I got another little squeeze and that was pretty much it....or so I thought! My friend Deb appeared out of nowhere and said "And that's 150 lbs. less of Cindy there!" He said "Well, you look beautiful." Ahhhh...Bo Bice just told me I looked beautiful. I don't even care if he can't put two and two together and figure out who I am or if that was just a nice-guy response when someone tells you the person in front of you has lost 150 lbs. It felt good to hear! LOL!

Pics of the fleeting moment with the man (thanks Laura for most of these!-click to enlarge):

I got another moment with him later though. As he was leaving, indeed being physically dragged out of there by his security guy, I walked up to him. I said "I had something I wanted to say to you earlier." He looked at me and took my hand. He leaned in close to me and as we're both walking along, my hand still in his, I whispered in his ear "Being your fan has meant so much to me and has changed my life forever. I just wanted you to know that and to thank you. Just...thank you so much."

He pulled me to him for a second (I count this as a hug...LOL) and I felt something brush against my cheek. He said "Bless your heart, thank YOU so much." He went on up the ramp towards the back exit, looked back and said "You change our lives every day." Now. That brush against my cheek? I was sure, POSITIVE, that it was a kiss. But now I think I may have been delusional and maybe it was just his hair. I dunno. It all happened so fast.

But I really wanted to tell him that. I've written before about how I firmly believe that wanting the energy and mobility to go to these shows was the final catalyst that made me have this surgery. I think I owe him a lot for that. And I felt really good after telling him. I know he's heard that before from other fans but I believe he still likes to hear it and never gets tired of it.

After Bo left, we all left! Several of us went to a Mexican place next door to The Rutledge for dinner. The entrance to the restaurant was up a pretty steep hill that would've stopped me cold a year ago. But that night, I looked up and thought "If I'm going to get winded on this trip, this is it. This is where it'll happen." So I walked. And felt nothing. No pain in my knees or back, no pulling for my breath. I was really happy when I got to the top and looked back down. HAH!

Ok, this is turning into a novel. But I really want to record my thoughts on this trip for myself if for no other reason. I hope I'm not boring you guys! We're gonna have a third part.

Next up: Opryland, strangers, lights, trees and horses, OH MY!


  1. You DID look beautiful, he meant it. He could have said "Wow, good for you" or some such thing. But he didn't. He told you you were beautiful. You are.

    It was definitely a little kiss. Yup, I do believe it was.

  2. Aw Cindy - you made me cry! I know it's partly the season - and partly my emotionalism as I age - and partly the wonderfulness of our boy, Bo - But darn-it girl, it's also you. You are so amazing and so brave and so willing to be totally vulnerable that I am in awe of your honesty and courage. Again, congratulations on your accomplishment - and here's to many more disappearing pounds. You are an inspiration.
    Love, Lindy

  3. Boring? Are you kidding? Keep it coming! And Susan is ARE beautiful, inside AND out!

  4. Beautiful, Cindy... Just beautiful and... I can't wait for part 3. Love the pix of you and Bo. and... thanks for posting his Silent Night... it has finally gotten me in the Christmas spirit.

    Congrats and Happiness to all.

  5. You absolutely are beautiful Babe, You always have been. Your writing is riveting. I could almost feel the brush against my cheek! I cannot wait to read part 3! And by the way, you SHOULD write a novel!

  6. Susan - I love you. And I hope you're right!

    Lindy - Aw, now YOU almost made me cry! Thank you so much. Hope to see you in the new year.

    Lori - Thanks hon! *hugs*

    GenCi - Thanks for your continued support. It means a lot!

    Jackie - Thank you! The brush against the cheek was pretty awesome. Heh. ;-)
