Sunday, August 23, 2009

Three is a magic number

Well, I went clothes shopping yesterday. Kinda by accident. You see, I was just going in to "look". Mm-hm. Isn't that usually how it goes?

Actually, I went in to see what kind of sweaters they had. Yes, you read that correctly. Any of you who know me personally know Cindy is never cold. Never. But lately, I am freezing my ever-shrinking ass off at work in the air conditioning. My arms and fingers are numb. I'm thinking of wearing those fingerless gloves kids sport at the McDonald's drive-thru in January. I have one sweater and it's so big on me that it looks like it was tailored to fit Andre' the Giant or something. So I need a new one.

I haven't been to Pennington's (kinda like Canadian Lane Bryant) for a long time and it's usually a frustrating experience. I go in fairly optimistic; after all, it's a plus-size store. Ok. So. I've mentioned my usual pre-op shopping experiences in previous blogs. I would take a few items of the biggest size they carry (6x) into the dressing room and maybe come out with one. Mostly none. Everything is too short or doesn't fit right. Especially the cool stuff.

Why is it that old-lady clothes seem to be made "bigger" than cool stuff?? You take a huge-flowery-patterned caftan like Mrs. Roper would wear and holy hell it fits (or is too big)! A super-cool, rock-star-worthy trendy blouse in the same size and I can't get it over my left boob. It's a little infuriating. But I digress.

So anyway...all the sweaters in that place were $50 (!!!). Um, no. Not even happening a little bit. However, they're having a sale on t-shirts. EEEEEE! As I said before, I'm a t-shirt girl. Comfy is my motto. Now, these are not Hanes-style t-shirts. They are 'dressy t-shirts' as my husband calls them. Nice. I'm immediately drawn to a gold one. Also, I notice my eyes zero in on the "6x" tabs at the tops of the hangers. It's automatic and out of habit. In the past, I wouldn't even look at a style that didn't have that little tab. No point, right? Well, yesterday I had to stop and tell myself not to focus on that as I was sure a 6x would be too big. I would start with the 5's. Yes. I'm still not confident enough to say off the top of my head 'Give me the 4x!' although I probably should be at this point.

I know by now most of you are freaked out that I'm rejoicing in the 4x when you can't even imagine ever being that big. Well, lemme tell ya, I have 7x's in my closet. Everything is made differently, but yes. I do. So the 4 is goooood. Very good.

I keep looking and find another totally super cool, amazing t-shirt! The kind of t-shirt that should be worn to a rock concert or something! WHOO-HOO! I have coveted this kind of shirt for years. They have a 5x! WHOO-HOO again! It's made very small (as expected) but maybe...just maybe I can get into it. I take it and the gold shirt into the dressing room.

The super-cool shirt fits perfectly. WHOO-HOO a third time!! I am so happy because this shirt wouldn't have covered said left boob six months ago, no matter what the size tag says. YAY!

The gold shirt, however, is wayyyy too big. Like, clownish. Holy crap. I ask the saleslady to get me a 4x.! Too big. I cannot believe what I'm about to say: "Excuse me, but can you get me a 3?" Even the 3 is plenty roomy, especially at the top. I'm tempted to try on a 2 but decide not to push my luck. This shirt has to be big for its size but I don't give a shit. It's a 3x - I have to buy it!

So I leave with both shirts. I call Erich and squeal like a dork "I just bought a 3x shirt!!" LOL! I haven't had a 3x shirt since my early college days. I was probably about 20 years old or younger.

I'm a happy girl today! Let's hear it for three! YAY THREE!!


  1. Oh. You mean this blog isn't about Bo's new EP called "3"? Heh! Way to go, Cin, how exciting to be down all those sizes and to be able to get cute clothes instead of settling for old lady stuff. Hell I am an old lady and I don't want that crap.

  2. Awesome, awesome, awesome, Cindy. I bet you just floated out of that store.


  3. Good for you Cindy!! You should be proud. You worked so hard for this.

  4. WOOHOO! Now you just need some shows to WEAR them to. *grins*

  5. Wow! 3X! Just WOW!
    You go girl!



    Thanks for sharing your success with us. :)

