Sunday, June 28, 2009


I'm feeling kinda restless and odd this morning. Like there are things I need to be doing, but I just don't wanna. I went to bed too late, woke up too early and feel just blah.

Yesterday, I went shopping and got semi-prepared for this thing I have coming up. Two HUGE (no, huge) containers of protein powder along with more sugar-free popsicles. I seem to have a fear of running out of popsicles - I certainly will have more than enough to eat next week! I bought broth, too, but I can't imagine drinking broth. I think it might make me sick. I found several things I needed at the dollar store (yay dollar stores!). In the party section, I got these tiny disposable 1-oz. shot glasses. 30 to a pack. I also got really small cereal bowls and an American Idol word search book. I figure if I'm going to be in the hospital, somehow, Bo is coming with me. I'm also bringing a portable DVD player so I watch some concert footage if I get the blues. I wish I had some Peep footage! ;-)

I passed on the protein water. A tip they gave us at the Henry Ford nutritional seminar is to make the Jell-O we eat on the liquid diet with protein water to make us more full. Awesome! Well, no. It turns a 50-cent box of Jell-O into a $5.00 box of Jell-O. And that's not logical. I'm all about know, the bacon double cheeseburger with the diet coke thing I used to do. Yeah.

I kinda lost it on a Walmart employee yesterday. I was in the baby section - not ever a place I go willingly - looking for baby spoons. I was told that might be a good idea as it helps cut down on portion control. I decided against that, but was looking at some surprisingly attractive insulated sippy cups when this freak of nature with a nametag walks into the aisle and starts ranting and raving - to herself, mind you - about a box of wipes casually tossed on a shelf where diapers are supposed to be. Seriously yelling. Loud. I raised my brows but said nothing. She walked past me and found something else out of place. Rant continued. She keeps going to the end of the aisle, finds something else. Ok, now she's pretty much screaming about rude, insensitive customers. WTF? Seriously? I don't need it. I said, "Oh jesus christ, shut up about it or quit!" She looked at me, stunned, and walked off.

I didn't get the sippy cup.

Honestly, do I need to hear that? Sheesh. I'm a woman on the edge here. Do not push me. LMAO!

Erich asked me last night if I was nervous. Um, ya think? I know it'll all be worth it, but right now yes, I'm nervous. Everything I read tells me not to be and not to think about 'last meals' or nonsense like that. I can't really help it, though. So tonight, my mother-in-law is making paprikash for me. My last meal. It's a Hungarian stew she serves over spetzle (pasta) and it's one of the best things ever created to dance on your tongue. I intend to savor it.

Days to surgery: 8
Pounds lost so far: 55 (I gained 2 this week - psycho cycle has returned)

I keep repeating to myself that I can do this. I'm stronger than I think I am. I'm stronger than I think I am. Yes! I know I am.


  1. LMAO I love what you said to the Walmart employee. I hate when employees are unprofessional in front of customers.

    Good luck Cindi. I read your blog often, I just don't usually comment. I'm rooting for you!

  2. Crap! Sorry I spelled Cindy wrong.

  3. Deep breaths girl. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. Remember you're not just doing it for you, it's for all of us fat chicks. We need a hero. I'm counting on you!
    Does it make me a bad friend if I tell you I'm going to be sooo jealous? I saw Paris last week and she is absolutely beautiful. I'm already feeling like Mikey's fat brother on Biggest Loser! Damn you guys! I still love ya though!Mwah!

  4. Yay Cindy! Not for anything specific but just because I felt like saying Yay Cindy! Paprikash huh? Yummy! I haven't had any decent Paprikash since my mom died 26 years ago. Just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about 'cha everyday!
    Deb/Colliebaby, me too chickie, me too.

  5. You CAN do this. You WILL do this. You MUST do this.

  6. YES.. you are stronger than you think. It's AWESOME!!!

  7. Cin, I am beyond proud of you that you have taken control and done the things you need to do to get ready for your big day. You are going to go through this and come out on the other side a strong and determined woman who is going to kick ass.


  8. Your walmart story just solidifies my decision not to shop in Walmart unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!

    As for your future--you ARE stronger than you think you are. If we told you 2 years ago that you'd be able to lose 50+ pounds with diet and exercise, you'd have thought we were crazy. But you've DONE IT! This next part is tougher, yet oh so rewarding. You can do it! You are awesome! You go, girl!

  9. Don't be scared. At least not of the surgery - I just had surgery and was crapping my pants (maybe even literally right before. LOL). Anyway, it was such a piece of cake after all that worry. The drugs are AWESOME!

    Funnily enough, when I was in the room waiting to go home, I got chatting to the girl waiting to go in for surgery and she was having gastric bypass. It made me think of you.

    Good luck this week with the restricted diet. You're so strong so you'll do great :)


  10. Thanks a million times over for all the words of encouragement and support!

    Deb - Mikey's fat brother....LMAO! Hardly ;-)

    Lulu - Drugs! Yessss I forgot about those! LOL!

  11. I'll be thinking about you on Monday Cindy. Stay as strong as you been these past few months...

  12. Hey, Cindy!

    I am late to this party, but just wanted to offer my encourgaement, too. You can sooooo do this. Look at what you have accomplished so far. You are right on track, and doing everything you are suppossed to do. You definitely have stuck to this better than I know I could have. I know surgery could be daunting, but I know you will be just fine. I am cheering for you! YAY CINDY! :)

