Sunday, August 30, 2009

Clothes and compliments

One of the coolest things about losing weight is the new clothes! I've talked about some of the new stuff I've bought in the last couple months and some of you have asked to see actual pictures. It was a gorgeous day yesterday so Erich and I went outside and I put on a fashion show. It was kinda windy, so please forgive my rebellious hair. Click on each pic to enlarge.

1. Got this in Ohio when I was there last month shopping with my mom. I think this is my favorite new shirt.

2. This is the 3x gold t-shirt I blogged about last weekend! Hee!

3. Another one from Ohio. Empire waist and ruffled hem - I love this one, too.

4. My rock star t-shirt! LOL! I think it looks a little Freebird-ish, which, as a fan of Bo Bice, is a major, major plus.

Rock on, bitches! Peace out!

5. Love the buckle and asymetrical neckline. I think it's interesting.

6. Cute little top. :)

So there are my purchases for the past month or so. Plus my mother-in-law has altered a bunch of my old clothes so I'm doing ok. Freecycle is a wonderful thing as well. I have a great big bag of smaller clothes just waiting for me that we got from a lady who has also had gastric bypass and is nearly at her goal. All for free - she offered them on Freecycle and we snapped them up! Everything from size 16 shorts to 3x tops. Yay Freecycle!

I'm not used to getting compliments from people about the way I look. It happens more and more these days and I'm really trying to learn to just say 'thank you' and take it sincerely. I think a lot of women have that issue. Someone tells us we look nice or whatever and we try to brush it off or come back with some smart-aleck remark lest the person think we actually think we're attractive!

Several days ago, a woman in my office who works less than part time told me I looked great. She doesn't see me that often, so she was really impressed, she said. She complimented my figure, my skin and told me I was 'glowing'. Wow! My first gut reaction was to laugh because what? Me? As I said, I'm not used to this. It's a learning process to accept statements like that. It took a few seconds before I stopped and just said 'thank you!'

I remember Oprah Winfrey talking about this once on her show and how she used to struggle with compliments, too, especially about her looks. Then shortly after that she had John Travolta on. They were at a gym working out. Oprah made some cutting remark about her own body and John very sweetly and sincerely told her she was beautiful and had a wonderful body. She laughed at first then you could almost see her stop herself, make herself look at him pointedly and say 'Thank you, John. Thank you.' And he said 'you're welcome'.

When you've been ridiculed about your looks for so long, it's hard to accept that someone is being truthful when they say something like that. We learn to detect scorn, even when it's wrapped up in pretty words via sarcasm - all of us have experienced that, especially us fat girls. We develop a defense mechanism of laughing it off, going along with the joke that is us in a vain attempt to avoid being hurt.

I saw screw that. When someone pays you a compliment, accept it. Accept yourself! I'll work on it if you will.


  1. I think it also helps to love what you're wearing. If you're uncomfortable just saying "Thank you," you can say "Thank you! I really love this top," or something like that.

    May I just say that my favorite on you is #3--gives you the waistline you're working so hard to achieve. Love it! But it's just so good to see you smiling. You're not just losing physical weight. You're losing a lot of psychological weight too and your attitude--even in pix--is visibly lighter. Love ya, girl!

  2. First let me just say I love all your new purchases! You look fabulous, daahling.

    I hear you on the compliment thing, and very often I would do the self-deprecating(is that the right term?) humor first, because "I know what you're thinking so I'll say it first".

  3. Cindy,you look amazing and that purple top looks great as do the other choices. Work it,girl! Thank you for sharing your journey.

  4. You have great taste Cindi. I love number 5 with the buckle at the neck. In fact I like it so much, I found it in red a couple weeks ago and bought it for myself. hehehe..
    You look beautiful.

  5. Cindi... you DO look BEAUTIFUl. All your new clothes are FABULOUS. Your best new accessory, though, is that brilliant smile you are sporting. You look so happy, and I, like many others, are happy for you. You are amazing. Here's to even more fab clothes, great health and that bright smile! :)



  6. You look amazing girl! My fave is the "peace out" pic. hahaha I always say I am gonna put a pic like that up but have never gotten around to it. I need to get my butt in gear to lose weight or you will be going on that mini vacation we talked about by yourself! LOL Keep up the amazing work,'re worth it! I love you! mwah

  7. oh good lord I spelled my own name wrong on that last comment. pathetic I tell ya!

  8. Well, I'm not up on women's fashion trends... but my favorite part of these pictures is the SMILES. Does my heart good to see you look so happy. *heart* -BILL

  9. Laura - True enough, but I do think we need to work on just accepting ourselves, even if we're naked. Hee. I like the empire waist, too. It's pretty cool that I actually have a waist now! LOL!

    Susan & Lizzy - thanks sweeties. Love you both!

    Deb - LOL! Fashion Bug rocks, huh? And red is definitely your color. Me, I am always drawn to the blue. And thank you. :)

    GenCi - CHEERS! And thanks.

    Katinra...or Katrina... - LMAO!!! I love you and miss you sooo much. Yes, you definitely need to put up some pics and there will be no girls' mini vacations without YOU. *mwah*

  10. Bill - We must've been posting at the same time. Thank you so much. Would love to see you again soon! *hugs*

  11. My favourite is #5. Love the colour and the cut. But I have to agree.....the BEST here is your smile Cindy. Good for you! You ARE glowing!
    P.S. : I SO agree about the compliments. Also, people don't give enough of them. I make a point now of complimenting women whenever I admire something about them, (and even if I don't know them, lol), on their hair or attire, etc. At first it takes them aback a little - but it also makes their day. As it would mine. Let's all be free-er with our compliments - make another woman's day. :-)

  12. i know im a little late with looking at this but better late than never. you truely are very beautiful. i have always known it. inside and out. and my fav is #3. looks great on you. and as all the others have said, your smile is the best one i have ever seen on you. and i have seen a lot of them, but these are true, genuine, and it comes from you accomplishing something that you have worked very hard for all your life. im gonna say it agian, I AM SO VERY PROUD AND HAPPY FOR YOU. love the new clothes, and you too.

  13. ok, so i just got done catching up on all the post i have missed. and, girl, im not ashamed to say i cried like 5 times. i love you so much. and i love Erich too. dont really know the man, but love him very much. give him big hugs from me, please. you are soooo very lucky to have him, but not near as lucky as he is to have you. soo glad this is working out so well for you.
    lots of love,

  14. Cindy, I haven't been around much so I'm just catching up but you look FABULOUS! Wow!
    Isn't it great to feel good about buying new clothes?
    Congratulations you! Your co-worker is right btw - you are glowing.

