Friday, February 13, 2009

Beware the slimy turkey

I came home sick from work today. I felt nauseous this morning, but was sure it would pass. Not so much. Kept getting worse and worse till I finally had to make a run to the bathroom. I kept wondering why I was feeling this way and I think I figured it out. I bought some roasted turkey deli meat on Sunday. I ate 2 pieces of it yesterday - one right after work and one right after my swim at the pool. About 12 hours later just like clockwork - blech. You know, stuff that's not full of preservatives doesn't keep very long.

It felt a bit "clammy", but I figured it was still ok for another day. Guess not. Lesson learned.

Did you notice I mentioned my "swim at the pool"? See how nonchalant that was? Heh. Yeah, I got my butt back in last night. My ever-patient brother-in-law Rob went with me even though he'd just had an hour-long workout at the gym. Yeah, he actually belongs to a gym. Me, I'm not there yet. Baby steps.

I have to say, it was soooo good to get back in the pool. I used to take water aerobics there until my knee started bothering me right after the Bo concert in Buffalo almost two years ago. I fainted right before the show as a result of dehydration and overheating. I thought I injured my knee that night, but I guess it was my arthritis finally showing its ugly face. I tried to get back in the water after a healing period but wasn't able to finish a class. My knee buckled and killed me for days after.

I have always loved to swim and loved the water. Makes sense - I'm nearly weightless, I can move around much more freely and plus it just feels refreshing and great. I didn't take a class last night, but just treaded water in the deep end and did laps at my own pace. I certainly felt the pain in my knee, but it wasn't too bad. I was worried I might feel it more today but no. It's ok.

The pool is good for me because it's low impact, too. I can exercise a lot longer in the water than I can on dry land. The other morning, I tried to do a 10-minute aerobic video and made it about 5 before I had to call it quits. I can do about a 10-minute walk before I'm panting and clutching my aching back. I swam last night for almost an hour, not hard but at my own pace. I think that's better than doing nothing! Again, baby steps.

Oh, I ran out of vegetables! Had to go buy more last night. This has never happened in my life that I know of. LOL!

OH! And we have grass in Ontario! We've had kind of a winter thaw and I can see grass! In February! Amazing stuff.


  1. Cindy, have you found veggies you like?

  2. so glad to hear you are swimming, i love it, wish i was there, would love to be doing this with you.
    Keep up the good work, and i hope you feel better.
    love ya,

  3. Sorry about the ichy tummy! Not fun!!

    I think swimming around is a good thing!! Good for the bod and soul, sorta feels "free".

    Yay for shopping for more veggies! I do find when I'm "on the wagon", I do really enjoy my food, even veggies, probably more than when I'm not paying attention.

    I'm on a clear diet today I'm having the old digestive system "scoped" tomorrow. I'm hungry all already!! :)

  4. Cindi,
    As a longtime DOOL lurker from way back, I am thrilled for you. Best of luck. You are a very good writer.

  5. Totally understand the "always want what you can't have" feeling when dieting. Keep up the good work Cindi!! Sounds like you're doing just great. I look forward to reading more.....

  6. Laura -- YES, I've found I do like a bunch of things. Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sugar snap peas, tomatoes, celery, green beans, etc. But all cooked. That's the key. I just haven't developed a taste for raw yet. Still working on it.

    Missy -- I remember swimming a lot in your parents' pool up the holler (hee). I've always loved it.

    Cindy (a.k.a. 'OC') -- Yikes re: digestive 'scoping'! Good luck with that. I do like the veggies and find myself *gasp* craving them sometimes!

    Anon -- Thank you so much. That means a lot to me. :)

    Lori -- Thanks! Yeah, that's always the way, huh? Men, food, whatever - we want what we can't have. Ha!

  7. OH - and thank you all for your concern. I do indeed feel better today.

  8. Cindy, a suggestion for going from cooked to raw veggies--slowly cook them less and less. The less you cook them, the more nutritional value they'll have. You may end up having to find a happy medium, though, at least for some of the veggies, and that's OK.

    BTW--I don't like raw broccoli :) I like it just so it's heated through--almost crisp. Gotta eat it fast, though, because it doesn't hold its heat as long :)

  9. Holy crap! Swimming! Veggies!!! OMG!!!! You go girl! Eat less, move more... that's the key. It doesn't have to be fast paced cardio stuff, just get out there and move. Swimming is the perfect choice. An hour in the pool treading water and doing laps... I think I would have collapsed!!! You are doing an amazing job, just amazing! See what happens when you really put your mind to it! YAY!

  10. Anything is better than nothing. That's something I have to learn too. A 15 min walk at lunch is better than sitting at my desk. It doesn't have to be an hour walk.

  11. hee hee the holler.
    coulnt wait to get out of there and now i would love to go back, lol.
