Sunday, February 8, 2009

The grocery bill just went up

I went grocery shopping today for healthier food so I can start my new eating/exercise plan. I have one question: Why is it so expensive to eat well? I swear I just spent about $50 more than I normally would have. It's crazy. Processed food by its very nature and label should be more expensive since it's, um, processed. It takes human intervention to make Velveeta cheese last a year unrefrigerated, right? So why are the whole, more natural foods so pricier? It's frustrating.

I have to say that I don't like vegetables. I bought some different kinds today, to try out and see what might be more palatable to me nowadays. Taste buds change and all. At least that's what I'm hoping for. *crossing fingers* Fruit, on the other hand...*weeeeeeeeeee* Love it! I need to learn my veggies, though. Vegetable soup is cool, and SOME cooked veggies. It's the raw I don't like. Salad. Yuck.

Any advice for veggie haters? And tips on keeping the grocery bill at a more sane level?


  1. I just made vegetable soup tonight after going to Whole Foods, our "Healthy/Organic" grocery store. I made it with Vegetable and Beef Broth, cabbage, green beans, carrots, stewed tomatos, leeks, and basil. It actually tastes pretty good. But you're right about the cost. I have no tips for that.

  2. Yeah, it sucks that it costs more to eat well. Crap is so much cheaper. Sad. Your soup sounds yummy, though!

  3. I forgot to mention on your myspace blog that I usually get most of my raw veggies in my sandwiches. Diet bread rocks and so do diet cold cuts. I just LOVE sandwiches and you can fill them with lettuce, tomato and cucumber to make them more filling AND get your veggies in. For less that 200 calories you can "pig out" on some great sandwich concoctions (sp?) :) YUMMY!

  4. Thanks Diane! You know, I just had a Lean Cuisine panini (sp?) with tomatoes on it - something I never, ever would've done in the past. And it was fine! So I'm thinking that might be a good idea.

  5. Sorry Cin. I haven't any tips on cutting costs, but as far as veggies go... try to "hide" them in scrambled eggs or if you have the time, make an omlette. It doesn't take long to cook your veggies ahead of time in the microwave. YUM!

  6. I've noticed a lot of people 'hate' cooked veggies because they have often had them overcooked to the point of mush - not an appetizing taste, color or texture.

    A great way to eat vegetables is cooking them with those new steamer bags they sell in the storage bag/tin foil aisle. It only takes a minute or two to cook them and you get all the wonderful flavor and color.

    For salad, I think the trick is diverse colors and textures. The field greens or spring mesclun mix are wonderful, and you can often get them pre-washed. Cucumbers, yellow/red/orange peppers, grape tomatoes, red onion, button mushrooms - great salad combination packed with vitamins and fiber. Then, the key is to enjoy with a fresh dressing - best is olive oil and vinegar, used sparingly.
