Friday, July 17, 2009


When I got on the scale last Friday after I returned from Detroit, I knew to expect a gain. I had been pumped full of fluids all week and blown up like a balloon on an operating table. I remember when Erich first gave me back my wedding set the day after my surgery, I couldn't even get it past my knuckle. And those rings were getting pretty loose pre-op! Well, the scale didn't lie - I'd gained nine pounds. I just sorta stepped off it and shrugged, hoping it would come off quickly.

The scales in my surgeon's office are not the same as mine, predictably. Usually they're about seven pounds heavier. When I weighed myself here at home before we went to Detroit, there was only a two-pound difference (heavier on their end). Very odd. I'm not sure how to measure it now, since the 7-lb. gap turned into a 2-lb. one....something has happened with my calculations and for some reason, the total pounds lost don't match. Their scales say I've lost more than mine, total. Unless I'd lost more the morning of my Detroit weigh-in and of course, wasn't home to match up the numbers.

So my scales, this morning, tell me I've lost 18 pounds this week. At this point, I'm so confused that I'm pretty sure that's good, but my total weight loss is escaping me. Nine pounds of it is probably water/gas weight. So that would mean I'm nine pounds to the good. Which should mean a total loss of 82 lbs....but when I subtract my present weight from my starting weight (using my scales as the measuring stick), it's only 75. If I use the surgeon's starting weight and their scales as a measuring stick, tacking on the extra 2 lbs., it's 83. WTF???

I'm horrible at math. This is why I majored in English in college. And somewhere along the line, I've screwed this up.

I go see Dr. Genaw Wednesday for my follow-up and I'm tempted to take my scales with me, step on them first then step on his. I dunno. But anyway, I have lost some weight this week so I'm happy with that. :)

Did I sound like Rambling Bo? Sorry about that!


  1. You lost me. I'm glad you lost more though.

  2. BWAH, you sounded just like him! Gas? Farts weigh something?

  3. I think that must be a Canadian thing.

  4. Lose the math. Ultimately, it's about how you look, how you feel. The scale is just a validation of that. How's the walking going?

  5. Either way... Its an awesome achievement. :)

    I know it's bad to be obsessed with the scale, but I can relate, because I totally am.

    Laura is right... ideally you should ignore the scale, but that's hard to do. I know I personally would opt to bring my scale with me, just to appease my sense of curiosity.

    Either way, though... you are incredible, Cindy.

    Keep up the good work. :)


  6. I pitched the scale a long time ago. It was both my best friend and my worst enemy. I was a slave to the damn thing - very dysfunctional relationship, there. But I understand in your case it's a tool as well. But you're doing fine! Keep it up, girl!

    And LOLZ at "Rambling Bo". I kinda like that guy.

  7. LMAO Sue! Yeah, I guess gas is weightless, huh? Pffft. My brain isn't working so well sometimes these days.

    Laura - walking is going pretty well. I'm doing either 3 10-min. sessions or 2 15-min. ones. I'm hoping that's ok!
