Saturday, July 4, 2009


My wonderful husband Erich took to the Internet to find the Isolflex Chocolate Peanut Butter protein powder and found a store that is like the motherland of protein powders. Sport Nutrition Depot is like a library - you walk in and all around the walls of the store there are floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with jugs of protein powders. Every brand, every flavor you could possibly think of or want. They also had tons of protein bars and vitamin supplements to choose from. When we called and asked if they had the pb&c variety, they said "In stock? Yes, the 6 lb. and 9 lb. sizes." Uh, yeah, they pretty much had everything in stock. LOL! I walked in and literally went "Whoa." The girl behind the counter said, amusingly, "First time in the store?" The products were the same price as the tiny little Nutrition House in my mall where I got the other powders so I think I'll stick with SND. Awesome selection and very helpful salespeople. Oh, and while we were there, another salesperson was recommending Isolflex to someone who also was looking for a product that tasted good. Here is their website: If you look for Isolflex, remember to search for its parent company Allmax Nutrition.

It also should be said that I went back to Walmart last night for the insulated sippy cup I was looking at the other day and put down because of psycho saleslady. I didn't see her anywhere and got the cup this time. LOL!

Thursday was a hard day for me. In the morning, I was very weak and felt a little wonky. I kept taking deep breaths at my desk because I felt like I might pass out. I was hungry most of the day and my stomach started to protest this lack of food, very loudly. The growling was distracting and a bit funny, too. Like my body was freaking out going 'Hello? What the hell are you doing to me?' I tried to have more Jell-O, more popsicles. I don't bring the protein powder to work but I do put a scoop in the Jell-O. By the end of the day I was feeling a bit better but I was exhausted. I struggled to stay awake till about 9:30, when I finally gave up and went to bed. No trip to the pool that night.

Not that I need it this week...the weight is flying off. I hopped on the scale Tuesday morning and I'd gained a couple pounds over the weekend. I did have a bigger splurge than usual, I'll admit it. GAH I gain weight so easily! Anyway, since then I've lost 16 pounds. You read that correctly: 16. I have lost 3 pounds since yesterday, people. This is the secret!! Just don't eat!! It's amazing. ;-) I've now lost 67 pounds total. I'm sure I'll hit at least 70 before my weigh-in at the hospital on Monday.

I felt fine on Friday. No more wonkiness. Everyone at work was very supportive, wishing me luck and asking for updates. One of my co-workers gave me a sweet little silver wishbone charm that says 'Lucky' on one side and has a tiny little crystal on the other. He's pretty special, that one. Ok - Raf, you've made the blog now. Are you happy? LOL!

Happy Independence Day to all my fellow Americans! My independence is coming soon as well. Independence from this monkey that's been on my back for most of my life. I'm looking forward to freedom from my own dangerous oppressor.


  1. If you don't blog before your surgery, I wish you the best of everything. I'll be thinking of you these next few days/weeks. You're going to do great. I admire you for all you've done to this point. Hope I get to see you before the summer is over. Take care. Big hugs.

  2. Wow, that's quite the weight loss! Kudos to you. And yes, good luck, you are going to kick some ass!

  3. Happy Independence Day!!!!

    Very cool about the protien powder.
