Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hangin' in

Today is Canada Day, so I've been off work. Surprisingly, it hasn't been too difficult not to eat. My hunger ebbs and flows; I'll get very hungry then it'll disappear only to return a few hours later and the cycle starts all over again.

I had another gastric bypass patient contact me today saying she'd read in my blog where I found a protein supplement that tasted like Reese cups - she wanted to know what it was! Well, my apologies because DUH I should've put that info in my blog.

I have been using Isoflex brand protein supplements. I went to Nutrition House (kinda like GNC) and told the guy what I was looking for and that I wanted something that tasted good. He pointed me straight to Isoflex and gave me a sample of the chocolate peanut butter variety. It was GOOD. Really good. I did go back to buy some but they didn't have any. Hopefully they will get some in soon. I've been using Isoflex strawberry & vanilla and they are also really tasty. Here is the US website: and the Canadian:

Ok, Bo just went live on Stickam and totally, perhaps irrevocably, interrupted my train of thought. Food? Hunger? What's that? Sheesh!!!


I went on a pretty long walk today. I took my cell with me in case I needed to call Erich to pick me up! LOL! No need. I'm stronger than I think I am. This is sorta becoming my mantra.

Oh, and maybe TMI but I have never peed so much in my life. I guess it's because I'm on liquids and there's no food in my stomach to sop up all the water I'm drinking. Good lord! I'm running to the bathroom all the time yesterday and today.

In response to a couple of the comments yesterday, I've never been a smoker but I can see the similarities between the addictions for sure. I have seen many, many people I love struggle to give up cigarettes over and over. We all have our drug of choice, I suppose.

Thank you all so much for your comments on yesterday's blog. What in the world would I do without all of you? I love you all more than you know.


  1. And we love you! You ARE stronger than you think you are. I may have to check out that protein supplement stuff LOL!

  2. That Isoflex stuff does sound good! I might have to go get some myself. Thanks for the info, Cindy.

    Cindy... you are WAY strong. I now have "Eye of the Tiger" in my head. :)

    Hugs to you!

  3. You are an inspiration, Cindy. You are having your surgery on my birthday and I have made a new pact to lose the weight I have gained since Mom passed. I weigh more now than I ever have and I feel it.

    I will be thinking of you next week. Hang in there, girl!
    Love ya!!


  4. Bo went live on Stickham? Now how did I miss that? hehehehehe. Love ya!

  5. I've been reading your blogs and am so proud of you! You are so right about cigarettes. I had it licked and started back up. As of today, they are now around $50 a I will lick it this time. You are a true inspiration.

  6. Isoflex... sounds pretty good!!!

  7. I use Isoflex Strawberry. I haven't tried any of the other flavours. Isoflex is the only protein powder I've tried that didn't have some horrid aftertaste. I usually throw frozen blueberries and half a banana in my shake. Are you allowed to add anything?

  8. hey girl, sorry i havent been reading, i usually check in and see but there just doesnt seem to be enough time to do all the things i HAVE to do let alone things i wanna do like get online and play on facebook and myspace and pogo. anyway, the time is getting really close and i know you are nervous but this will be a wonderful gift that you are giving yourself and i am so proud of you for doing it. no one deserves it more than you. and you truely are stronger than you think you are.
    love you and my thoughts and prayers will be with you on the 7th.

  9. Hey Cindy: I've been so far out of the loop that I've only just heard about your op, but have now read all your blog. (Hmmmm....I seem to remember I did that once before with something else you'd written, lol).
    Anyway, CHEERS to you! Huge congrats on what you've accomplished so far. And I'll be thinking of you on the 7th. All the very best....
